Chamber of Graduated Surveyors

Chamber of Graduated Surveyors in Bulgaria

Chamber of Graduated Surveyors has been established in 2006 to answer the increased volume of work for surveyors, which is in progress, and the need of equalization the activities that could be performed and the certificates issued by the European Union.

It is non-government organization, which unites graduated engineers’ surveyors. Its main aim is to support, encourage, regulate and promote the interests of all its members and to increase the value of their services to the public. In its activity it will provide support for its members to continue their professional development and keeping them inform for the national and international standards in the field of surveying, cartography and photogrammetry.

We populate our activity among our members and the society by publishing “Geomedia“ magazine and supporting website with the latest innovations in the sphere. In our efforts to be in service to society we keep a register of the members and the one that are licensed.

Governed by elected Managing Committee The Chamber of Graduated Surveyors encourage members` to be part of the future development of the profession by joining the various committees - The Managing Committee, The Control Committee and The Committee of Professional Ethics and Region Colleges.

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Обучителен курс за поддържане и повишаване на професионалната квалификация, съгласно чл. 20, ал. 4 от ЗКИР

Date: 04.11.2024
Place: гр. София - УАСГ, бул. бул. "Христо Смирненски" № 1

Камара на инженерите по геодезия организира провеждане на обучителен курс за поддържане и повишаване на професионалната квалификация, във връзка с чл.20, ал.4 от ЗКИР, по прог

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Среща с Министъра на регионалното развитие и благоустройството, инж. Виолета Коритарова за обсъждане функционалностите на новата кадастрално-административна информационна система

Среща с Министъра на регионалното развитие и благоустройството, инж. Виолета Коритарова за обсъждане функционалностите на новата кадастрално-административна информационна сист


Заплащане на членски внос в КИГ за 2025 година

Заплащане на членски внос в КИГ за 2025 година

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